Abstract Guidelines

Invitation To Submit Poster Presentations

It is with immense pleasure that we invite you to participate in 5th International Emirates Annual Conference & Arab Society of Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging, scheduled to take place on April 19-20, 2025, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

This prestigious event serves as a significant platform to share the latest advancements and research in nuclear medicine and molecular imaging. In the spirit of collaboration and knowledge sharing, we are pleased to announce an open call for poster presentations. The poster presentations will provide an excellent opportunity to showcase innovative research, findings, and ideas to a diverse audience of global experts, fostering meaningful discussions and collaborations in this vital field.

Important Dates:
  1. Visibility: Showcase your groundbreaking research to an international audience of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging professionals.
  2. Networking: Engage with leading experts, peers, and pioneers in the field to build valuable connections.
  3. Recognition: Contribute to shaping the future of nuclear medicine and gain recognition for your innovative work.
  4. Collaboration: Unlock opportunities to collaborate with global researchers, institutions, and industry leaders.
  5. Knowledge Sharing: Share your findings and insights with a diverse, multidisciplinary audience to foster advancements in the field.

We seek original research and innovative ideas in the following themes:

  • Advances in Nuclear Imaging Technologies
  • Clinical Applications of Molecular Imaging
  • Radiopharmaceuticals and Therapy
  • Nuclear Medicine and Public Health
  • Regulatory, Safety, and Ethical Considerations
  • Emerging Frontiers in Molecular Imaging
  • Education and Training in Nuclear Medicine
  • Radiopharmaceutical Development for Targeted Cancer Therapy
  • Artificial Intelligence in Nuclear Medicine: Enhancing Imaging and Diagnostic Accuracy
  • Radiation Safety and Quality Assurance in Nuclear Medicine Facility
  • Impact of Dosimetry in Theragnostic

All submissions will undergo peer review and evaluation based on the following criteria:

  1. Relevance to the conference theme
  2. Completeness of submission with all relevant information
  3. Clear structure and clarity of content
  4. Significance to the Field of Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging
  1. Originality: Published or unpublished work, not previously presented in other conferences
  2. Language: English language must be used.
  3. Abstract Length: 300 words
  4. Format: no more than 300 words, formatted in Microsoft Word, and single-spaced, using size 12 Times New Roman font
  5. Content:
    • Authors
    • Affiliation
    • Background
    • Methods
    • Results
    • Conclusion
    • References

Once approved, posters shall be produced by their respective presenters according to the following guidelines:


  1. Select a poster size of 85CM x 200CM – Roll up Banner Size.
  2. Ensure any text is in large font but limited to 300 words only.
  3. Use graphs, charts, and/or tables.
  4. Ensure contents have a logical flow.
  5. Arrange to place the poster onsite
  6. There will be no dedicated session for the poster presentation. The poster gallery will always be available on the conference website during conference hours.
  1. Abstract Submission Limit
    Each presenter (usually the main author) may submit a maximum of two abstracts. The presenting author must register and attend the conference if the submitted abstract(s) are accepted.
  2. Responsibility of Presenting Author
    It is the responsibility of the presenting author to submit the abstract and act as the main contact for all co-authors. The presenting author must also ensure effective communication with co-authors throughout the process.
  3. Abstract Publication and Copyright
    All accepted abstracts will be published on the conference website and/or other conference-related materials. Submitting your abstract grants permission for it to appear in these outlets, without raising any copyright issues.
  4. Presentation Type and Theme Changes
    Following the review process, a submission originally classified under a specific presentation type or theme may be reassigned to a different category as necessary for the program.
  5. Original Work
    By submitting the abstract, the presenter confirms that the work has not been previously presented at other conferences. Submissions involving previously presented or published content will not be accepted.