
Prof. Ashraf Alzaabi


President, Emirates Thoracic Society.
Professor of medicine, College of medicine
and health sciences, UAE University (UAEU)

Prof. Bassam Mahboub

Consultant Internal Medicine
Consultant Pulmonary Disease
Consultant Pulmonologist and Allergy
Diseases Specialist

Dr. Nader Francis

Pediatric pulmonologist consultant
Head of the pediatric pulmonology division Department
Al Qassimi Women and Children Hospital (AQWCH)

Dr. Hamad Alhameli


Allergy Consultant in the Respiratory Institute at Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi

Dr. Irfan Shafiq

Consultant Pulmonologist
Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi

Dr. Khaled Saleh


Pulmonary/Critical Care Consultant, Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi

Dr. Rajai Nammas

Clinical Associate Professor
Section Head of Rheumatology
Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi

Dr. Reyadh Salman


Consultant Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine at Ibn Nafees Hospital (Bahrain)

Dr. Riyad Al-Lehebi

Pulmonary and sleep Medicine Consultant

Dr. Saif Al Mubaihsi

Senior consultant pulmonologist
Head of the pulmonology unit, Sultan Qaboos University hospital
University Medical City (UMC)

Dr. Isabel Mira-Avendano

Pulmonary Consultant
Pulmonary Division
Integrated Hospital Care Institute. Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi

Dr. Vivek Kakar


Section Head, Cardiothoracic Critical Care, Critical Care Institute, Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi

Prof. Mohammed Al Houqani


Associate Professor at the College of Medicine & Health Sciences, UAE University (UAEU)
consultant of Respiratory, Sleep Medicine at Sleep Disorders Specialized Clinic

Dr. Rachel Kaminski

Consultant Pulmonologist, Respiratory Physician, Sub-Specialist in Sever Asthma, Airways Disease & Bronchiectasis / Head of Department, Saudi German Hospital, Dubai, UAE

Dr. Andres Obeso

Consultant Thoracic Surgeon. Heart, Vascular & Thoracic Institute. Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi

Dr. Luaie Idris

Consultant Pulmonologist
Zayed Military Hospital
Abu Dhabi, UAE

Dr. Mahmood Elkaissi

Staff Physician in the Imaging Institute at Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi

Dr. Muhammad Tufail

Consultant Pulmonologist Sheikh Khalifa Medical City, Abu Dhabi

Dr. Ramzi Khashkhusha

Consultant Pulmonologist
Tawam Hospital

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