Dr. Andrew Stephens

Chief Medical Officer Life Molecular Imaging Berlin, Germany

Dr. Brad A. Racette

Senior Vice President, Barrow Neurological Institute
Arizona, USA

Dr. Fatema Abdulla


Consultant Adult Neurologist
President of Bahrain Neurosciences Association
General Secretary – ILAE EMR executive Committee

Prof. José Alejandro Luchsinger-Stuart

Robert F. Loeb Professor of Medicine and Professor of Epidemiology at the Columbia University Medical Center Director, Center for Research on Aging and Quality of Life
Vice Chair for Clinical and Epidemiological Research, Department of Medicine
Columbia University Irving Medical Center

Dr. Haythum Tayeb

Vice Dean for Graduate Studies & Scientific
Research Faculty of Medicine
King Abdul Aziz University
Jeddah, KSA

Dr. Hamed Al Sinawi

Sr. Consultant Old Age Psychiatrist
Sultan Qaboos University, Oman

Dr. Hidayath Ali Ansari

Prof. Marwan Noel Sabbagh


Moreno Family Chair for Alzheimer's Research
Vice Chairman for Research and Professor
Department of Neurology
Barrow Neurological Institute

Dr. Michael Weiner

Professor of Medicine, Radiology, Psychiatry, and Neurology
University of California, San Francisco, USA

Dr. Osama Robin Elalamy

Senior Neurologist/Clinical Neurrophsiologist
Hamad Medical Corporation
Doha, Qatar

Prof. Jasem Al-Hashel

Consultant Neurologist, Neurology Dept, Ibn Sina Hospital
Professor of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait University
Chairman of Faculty of Neurology, Kuwait
Vice President, Pan Arab Union of Neurological Societies (PAUNS)
President, Kuwait Neurological Society, Kuwait

Dr. Per J. Nilsson

Associate Professor at Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

Prof. Raj Kalaria

Professor of Cerebrovascular Pathology (Neuropathology)
Newcastle University, UK

Prof. Riadh Gouider

Professor of Neurology and Head of Department
Razi University Hospital. La Manouba 2010-Tunis-Tunisia

Dr. Roaa Abduljalil Khallaf

Cognitive and behavioral neurologist
Dementia National Lead Saudi Arabia

Prof. Robert P. Friedland


Rudd Chair and Professor
Chief, Laboratory of Neuro Geriatrics
Department of Neurology
School of Medicine
University of Louisville,
Kentucky, USA

Dr. Taim A. Muayqil

Consultant and assistant professor of neurology at King Saud University
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Dr. Waleed Fawzi

MRCPsych, MD

Consultant Old Age psychiatrist
The International Clinic London, UK

Dr. Walid Alkeridy

Dr. Walid Ahmed Alkeridy
Associate Professor & Consultant
Geriatric Medicine & Behavioural Neurology & Dementia
King Saud University
Internal medicine department

Prof. Zeynep Tüfekçioğlu

Associate Professor, Biruni University Faculty of Medicine
Department of Neurology, Istanbul, Turkey

Dr. Ziad Nasreddine

Cognitive Neurologist
MoCA Creator
President, MoCA Cognition