The Importance of Smart Projects by DHA

The Importance of Smart Projects by DHA

Recently Dubai health authority has announced many innovative projects, commonly known as smart projects. This projects aims at encouraging people for a healthy life, not only by taking proper medications but also improving the lifestyle and certain habits.

Happiness Prescription:

This programs aims at guiding people to a better healthy life by proving nutritional and physical program for each patient.

Healthy Living:

This encourages people to burn calories even when they are sitting at public places by mobile pedals. This is even more effective for a city like Dubai where people do not have much time to go to gym and work out.

Nawm Sehy and Qalby:

DHA is also planning to launch a machine which will monitor patient’s sleeping habit. They are also launching another machine which can monitor patient’s heartbeat from a remote location.

Why all these projects are important:

A healthy lifestyle often is not about taking medications properly, or even preventing certain diseases, but it is more about how fit you feel internally. DHA projects will surely guide many of us to a better lifestyle. We often sleep less for our day to day pressure in life, we often make excuses not to hit the gym taking lack of time as an alibi, we often eat junk and unhealthy food since they are readily available and more convenient. These smart projects will certainly help to shift our mindset. There’s no shortcut to a healthy life and each day if we take a little step, each day even we start avoiding unhealthy practices in our daily lives that will make a big difference.
Though DHA wants to showcase its innovative side to the world in this innovation week, but by the choices they have made it is pretty clear that they want people to shift their mindset for a better healthy life.
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New Year 2017 Health Goals
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Recently Dubai health authority has announced many innovative projects, commonly known as smart projects. This projects aims at encouraging people for a healthy life, not only by taking proper medications but also improving the lifestyle and certain habits.

Happiness Prescription:

This programs aims at guiding people to a better healthy life by proving nutritional and physical program for each patient.

Healthy Living:

This encourages people to burn calories even when they are sitting at public places by mobile pedals. This is even more effective for a city like Dubai where people do not have much time to go to gym and work out.

Nawm Sehy and Qalby:

DHA is also planning to launch a machine which will monitor patient’s sleeping habit. They are also launching another machine which can monitor patient’s heartbeat from a remote location.

Why all these projects are important:

A healthy lifestyle often is not about taking medications properly, or even preventing certain diseases, but it is more about how fit you feel internally. DHA projects will surely guide many of us to a better lifestyle. We often sleep less for our day to day pressure in life, we often make excuses not to hit the gym taking lack of time as an alibi, we often eat junk and unhealthy food since they are readily available and more convenient. These smart projects will certainly help to shift our mindset. There’s no shortcut to a healthy life and each day if we take a little step, each day even we start avoiding unhealthy practices in our daily lives that will make a big difference.
Though DHA wants to showcase its innovative side to the world in this innovation week, but by the choices they have made it is pretty clear that they want people to shift their mindset for a better healthy life.
Read More:
New Year 2017 Health Goals
How to Stay Fit in Our Fast Life?
Air Pollution of UAE
Why Herbs Are Important in Our Life?

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